Tag Archives: freedom


Is your mind dwelling in the past, in the future, or in the present moment? 

When dwelling in the past obsessively, our thoughts tend to create feelings of guilt, regret, and sadness, spiralling our way into doubting our self-worth and the choices we have made.  When thinking about the future, we create feelings of worry and anxiety as there is so much uncertainty about the future – for how can we ever know what is going to occur?  Instead of questioning our Worthiness or fearing the Unknown, we can reframe the way we think and open our Selves to all that is possible.  Imagine what is beyond the limits of what we know and what we think we know.  Imagine the feeling of Liberation when we open our Hearts and Minds to what is beyond our known limitations.  

Letting go of all that is heavy in our Lives, taking care of our Selves, understanding the nature of forgiveness, letting our walls and defences down, enabling healing into our Lives, releasing what no longer serves us, embracing everything and anything that helps us navigate through our Lives takes Strength.  This type of Strength is a powerful foundation, rather than an aggression or force.  It takes Strength to be Authentic with who we really are. It takes Strength to pursue Liberation, to find freedom from all that makes us sad, angry, hostile, depressed, worthless and unvalued.

The key to freedom from a life where we do not express our authentic Selves is in Our hands.  We can set our Selves free.  We can change the stories that we have written in our Hearts and Minds and re-programme the relentless tape loops we continually replay in our thinking.  Although it is impossible to change events in the past, we can re-write what these events mean about our Selves.  We could put ourselves in the shoes of the person we resent; maybe we can understand – not justify – but just try to understand and reconcile what happened; maybe we can extend the benefit of the doubt that someone did not intentionally want to hurt us; maybe we can choose how to view what a particular event meant about our Self in a different way; and maybe we can realise we had a number of expectations that had not been met.  

Take a moment to settle and anchor into the Heart of your Being.  Understand that you have been expanding and growing, fluctuating in moments of ups and downs, but growing, nevertheless.  Your very Awareness of seeing how you have been living in the past, the future, or the present moment is evidence of your expanding Consciousness.  Realise that being Present and brutally honest with your Self empowers you to shift your story from what has been, or will be, to what Is.  In this moment you can release, let go, and Breathe.  Allow your inner Self to spill over from within, to permeate all thoughts, to help you to continue to grow.  

The truth about You is that you have Strength to live your Life authentically and with Freedom.  All that is required is that your attention remains on the connection Within.  What is possible with this conscious, deliberate attention is Unknown and Unlimited.  As you walk your path, your human Self has the ability to shift from living underneath your human wounds and afflictions to unite with the Divine Presence within. And with this you are Liberated.