Tag Archives: forgiveness


Who are we to live Life without Heart?  Who are we to live without feeling happiness, joy, kindness, sadness, passion, and heartache?  It is so easy to disconnect from our Heart when we listen to the chatter of our minds.  Yet with a little discernment, we can teach our Selves to balance what we think with what we feel.

Since we were born, our Lives have been inundated with expectations from family, schools, friends, and society.  We are surrounded by advertising, marketing, rules, and beliefs on what we should be, who we should be, and how to be successful in Life.  Sadly, what we have been told minimises our divine virtues, and teaches us to disassociate from what we are feel deeply.  In the end, we believe thoughts about our Selves that are not kind.  We are left feeling naïve, dependant on others, and ultimately ‘not enough’ – not good looking enough, youthful, desirable, successful, or smart enough.  


Let us balance our minds with what we feel in our Hearts.  Let us breathe into our Heart.

What is closed is our minds.  Our mind chatter is addicted to oppressing our Selves. Our thoughts wonder why our Hearts are not open, but our Heart is always open.  It is our thoughts and beliefs that are closed, blinkered, and resist the gentle pounding of our desires.  When we sit in mediation, we can ask to open our thinking to new possibilities.  This is how we can access our true power.

Our work is to stop believing what we have been taught to think, and to flip the recurring memories and anxious thoughts into an awareness of what is going on in our Heart.

With a practise of balancing of our thoughts and feeling our Hearts, we learn to be humble and kind to our Selves.  When we realise how much we have been resisting and denying our feelings, forgiveness of the Self is all there is left to do.  We have been experiencing a human experience.  

The Heart is a part of who we are.  We all have Heart.  Our Heart does not tell us Love needs to be earned, money needs to be saved, success is something we must work towards.  Exposing these resistances helps overcome them and what we discover is, all that we have ever desired, since a very young age, still exists in our Heart.  It has never gone away and has never been destroyed.  

By living through the Heart, we learn how powerful we truly are.  Our egoic mind may not understand how to work with this power, and our minds can be terrified of it.  Yet, with a gentle breath, and with a moment in pause, we can Balance this fear.  We can drop back into the Heart space.

With patience we can figure out how to integrate and allow the energy to flow calmly and naturally.  The Heart knows how to think for it Self.  We just need to not to let our thoughts get in the way.  

Solutions already exist inside of us, inside our Hearts.  When we start co-creating with our Hearts we magnetise what we need, other people, and to solutions to our Selves.


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When we invest in something there is a resulting growth and improvement.  Putting money in the bank accumulates wealth, and your savings grow.  With each withdrawal savings diminish, and so, we try to balance our deposits with our withdrawals.  The same can be said in the way we conduct our Lives.   We invest in our Selves to help improve our physical strength, mental health, emotional fitness and state of Being. When we place our focus on finding ways to escape a situation, complain about our positions in life, and persistently look outside of our Selves to fix our fractured sense of Self, we deplete our Energy. 

Consider how you make deposits with your Self and others.  We have to really know our Selves and others in order to refuel the Source of our Energy.  And this takes Energy to do.  Time spent within our Selves are moments of depositing goodness, kindness and richness.  When emotions come into focus and are faced, you are no longer running from them anymore. When your focus is on your internal landscape, you start to regenerate.   

There is an aspect of our Self that is always looking to escape a situation. With the Mind constantly looking for solutions to fix in the outer reality, you are unable to address the emotional reality of the inner Self.  All the ideas you come up with to escape your Now moment, that are linked to physical reality, are not addressing your emotional health.  Until you resolve the fear that is causing you to escape your Now moment, nothing will change.   

All of us tend to drag stories from the past into the Present moment, and most of us are unforgiving, unknowingly.  We shield our Selves to people, and when we do not let people in Energy cannot enter either.  Realise that those who hurt us operate unconsciously or unintentionally, so find Forgiveness in your Heart.  It is not possible to hurt someone when you are connected to the Source of Creation.  Forgiveness neutralises and de-polarises the negative charges of the body and Mind.   

Energy is not just seen in movement either.  There is a beautiful Energy that is within Us all, that is our foundation of Strength.  It allows us to stand firm with all the challenges.  This Energy bounces us back when we feel defeated, and provides stability Within. 

Cherish opportunities to be able to connect with your authentic Self.  Be sincere with how you feel, and how life is unfolding for you.  By tapping into the source of Energy, our capacity and ability to do things for our Selves is optimised, and in turn, we are able to use this Energy for the greater good of others.  Slow down, sit in silence and pause.   

Simplicity balances all complications, turns us back to what is essential, and what is real for us.   


Is your mind dwelling in the past, in the future, or in the present moment? 

When dwelling in the past obsessively, our thoughts tend to create feelings of guilt, regret, and sadness, spiralling our way into doubting our self-worth and the choices we have made.  When thinking about the future, we create feelings of worry and anxiety as there is so much uncertainty about the future – for how can we ever know what is going to occur?  Instead of questioning our Worthiness or fearing the Unknown, we can reframe the way we think and open our Selves to all that is possible.  Imagine what is beyond the limits of what we know and what we think we know.  Imagine the feeling of Liberation when we open our Hearts and Minds to what is beyond our known limitations.  

Letting go of all that is heavy in our Lives, taking care of our Selves, understanding the nature of forgiveness, letting our walls and defences down, enabling healing into our Lives, releasing what no longer serves us, embracing everything and anything that helps us navigate through our Lives takes Strength.  This type of Strength is a powerful foundation, rather than an aggression or force.  It takes Strength to be Authentic with who we really are. It takes Strength to pursue Liberation, to find freedom from all that makes us sad, angry, hostile, depressed, worthless and unvalued.

The key to freedom from a life where we do not express our authentic Selves is in Our hands.  We can set our Selves free.  We can change the stories that we have written in our Hearts and Minds and re-programme the relentless tape loops we continually replay in our thinking.  Although it is impossible to change events in the past, we can re-write what these events mean about our Selves.  We could put ourselves in the shoes of the person we resent; maybe we can understand – not justify – but just try to understand and reconcile what happened; maybe we can extend the benefit of the doubt that someone did not intentionally want to hurt us; maybe we can choose how to view what a particular event meant about our Self in a different way; and maybe we can realise we had a number of expectations that had not been met.  

Take a moment to settle and anchor into the Heart of your Being.  Understand that you have been expanding and growing, fluctuating in moments of ups and downs, but growing, nevertheless.  Your very Awareness of seeing how you have been living in the past, the future, or the present moment is evidence of your expanding Consciousness.  Realise that being Present and brutally honest with your Self empowers you to shift your story from what has been, or will be, to what Is.  In this moment you can release, let go, and Breathe.  Allow your inner Self to spill over from within, to permeate all thoughts, to help you to continue to grow.  

The truth about You is that you have Strength to live your Life authentically and with Freedom.  All that is required is that your attention remains on the connection Within.  What is possible with this conscious, deliberate attention is Unknown and Unlimited.  As you walk your path, your human Self has the ability to shift from living underneath your human wounds and afflictions to unite with the Divine Presence within. And with this you are Liberated.

Forgiveness & Healing


From a very young age most of us are taught we should forgive.  We are told forgiveness is release, healing and the source of miracles.  However, we are never really shown how to forgive.  

For a long time I confused forgiveness with righteousness.  I judged others for not knowing better, and considered myself as being the ‘greater’ one for taking the ‘high road’ and bestowing forgiveness upon others.  Though I thought I had forgiven I could not forget, and my mind continued to replay scenarios and dwelt in resentment, anger and guilt.  Ego still had the better of me.

For a long time I lived in the absence of forgiveness, and operated from a place of emptiness.  I was a person who lashed out in hostility and constantly viewed myself as the victim in every circumstance – in work, health and family life.  Pushing my own opinion harder and harder in already toxic situations, I drove others away and was excluded from conversations as people saw me incapable of viewing other points of view.  I alternated from being a stooge with being a perpetrator.

Living in such a volatile, intense and driven state of emotion all of the time takes it toll on energy and health.  Anger is often described as bringing about inflammatory conditions of the body.   Heart conditions and a compromised immune system can often be linked to constant states of stress and pent up emotion.  Realising how unhappy I was, I knew I had to turn things around for myself, and I had to figure out how.

I discovered that the release of toxic emotions requires forgiveness – but how does one forgive?  Just let it go?  Work through it?  Go to therapy?  Forgiveness is not taught in schools and is not often passed on by our parents or grandparents.  How do we let go of memories that have conditioned our mental and physical responses?

It may be useful to see our world as a mirror to what is going on inside of our Self.  This requires an assumption – that everything in our life is of our own creation.  There are no accidents and there is no luck.  Everything that has impacted our Selves in any way has been created or attracted by our Self.  Every one in our life is a reflection of various aspects of our personality and feelings that live inside of our Self.  It may be a healthy to also assume that there is nothing wrong or negative in our lives – it is what it is – a gift to bring about awareness and healing.

Assuming that our physical world is our creation, then each of our lives are unique life experiences.  It would be impossible for others to see our perception of our life as it is for us to understand their perception of their lives.  It may be safe then to assume that others have a point of view that is just as valid as ours.  Allowing this space into our perceptions can help us to soften and let go of the need, and the constant fight, to always be right.

By looking at our creations – our lives – we can get feedback about our Selves.  Take an emotional look, a really good strong emotional look:

What is working in your creation and what is not?

What can you master and what can you learn?

Who is hurting the most and who is living oblivious to the pain inside of you?

Who can you change and who can you not change?

When our feelings or lives are blocked, or when we are unable to move through problems, then inevitably there is one thing required to begin to move forward – forgiveness.  Forgiveness requires taking responsibility for our own emotions before we can empower our Self to release anything.  It is useful to make a distinction between taking responsibility and blaming our Selves.  Responsibility is taking ownership whereas blaming is an assigning of fault.  Once we have taken ownership for what has occurred we become empowered around what we have created in our lives, and then we can choose to change how we feel.

Have others hurt you?  How have you hurt yourself?

Have others controlled and manipulated you?  How have you controlled and manipulated others?

Have others blamed you?  How do you blame others?

Have others appreciated you?  How do you appreciate others?

Have others been kind and gentle with you?  How are you kind and gentle to others?

Have others loved you?  How do you love others?

Have others forgiven you?  How do you forgive others?

Asking these sorts of questions with total honesty in our hearts, we can learn to see how we have attracted what we have into our world.

Forgiveness is for our Self, for our own soul, and for our own quality of life.  It is about our relationship with our Self, an energetic opening of our heart to our Self and it can be expressed it in any way we need to – through celebration, tears, writing, a cleansing bath, or the purging of junk from our home.

Forgiveness is not about letting others off the hook, but about letting our Selves off the hook and connecting with our Self internally.  It is dropping a wall of defense, relaxing a hardened heart and allows our Self to be honest with our Self.

Nothing can change or move until we let an emotion go, and only forgiveness can allow this change to happen.